Chinese Casting Plant USMCA Case Settled


The United States and Mexico have resolved a worker rights complaint under the US-Mexico- Canada Agreement involving a Mexican precision casting plant.

The United States requested a review under the USMCA’s Rapid Response Labor Mechanism on worker rights violations at the Impro Industries Mexico facility in the state of San Luis Potosi

Impro is a Hong-Kong based maker of cast and machined component parts for use in the aerospace, energy, medical, automotive, and agricultural industries,.

In response, the Mexican government and the company have undertaken several remedial actions to ensure workers’ rights are protected at the facility, according to the US Trade Representative’s Office.

Actions taken by the facility and the government of Mexico to address the matter include:

  • Impro Mexico reinstating and providing backpay to a worker that had been dismissed in retaliation for their union activity;
  • Impro Mexico adopting and posting a neutrality statement and company guidelines on freedom of association and collective bargaining, including a zero-tolerance policy for violations of the policy;
  • !Impro Mexico distributing copies of the neutrality statement and explaining the contents of the document to each worker;
  • Impro Mexico delivering trainings to management on company policies and guidelines that encompassed Impro Mexico’s commitment to respecting workers’ right of collective bargaining and freedom of association and
  •  The Mexican government delivering trainings on freedom of association and collective bargaining rights at the facility for all personnel.

Ambassador Tai’s letter directing the Secretary of the Treasury to resume liquidation of entries of goods from the Impro Mexico facility is available here.

A copy of the request for review can be found here.

Prior Coverage [12545]


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