CBP: COAC Wraps; Trade & Cargo Summit Registration Opens Jan 10th

The Commercial Customs Operations Advisory Committee (COAC), a U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) federal advisory committee, unanimously passed 12 recommendations on export modernization, rapid response and North American trade during its most recent public meeting.

The December 13 meeting marked the final public meeting of the COAC’s 16th term.  

Accomplishments of COAC during the 16th term, including substantial recommendations regarding CBP’s 21st Century Customs Framework (21CCF), input around the launch of new broker modernization regulations, and advice on improving guidance to businesses on compliance with the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act.  

COAC has formed the De Minimis Working Group, which has provided initial recommendations to support CBP’s efforts to disrupt the supply chains of criminal organizations operating in the low-value package environment.

CBP cleared more than 1 billion de minimis shipments by the end of August in fiscal year 2023. 

CBP will continue its outreach efforts to the trade community during the 2024 Trade Facilitation and Cargo Security Summit, which will be held in Philadelphia March 25 – 28. Registration will open January 10, 2024, at noon Eastern time. Attendance can be in-person or virtual, but space is limited. info: TFCSSummit@cbp.dhs.gov [Web Page]

The purpose of the COAC, made up of 20 appointed members from the international trade community, is to advise the Secretaries of the Department of the Treasury and the Department of Homeland Security on commercial operations of CBP and related Treasury and DHS functions. Membership for the 17th term will be announced at a later date. 

For more information on the approved recommendations and the next COAC public meeting, which will take place March 6 in Charleston, South Carolina, visit the COAC webpage. Meetings can be attended virtually or in person.  



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