Lawmakers Call for Whistleblower Awards for Sanctions Info


Wednesday, a bipartisan, bicameral group of lawmakers introduced the Sanctions Evasion Whistleblower Rewards Act, legislation aimed at bolstering national security by incentivizing the exposure of sanctions evasion. This move will effectively offer rewards for information leading to the apprehension or conviction of those evading U.S. or UN sanctions.

The legislators involved in the introduction of the bill include U.S. Senators Jim Risch (R-Idaho) and Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.), alongside U.S. Representatives Joe Wilson (R-S.C.) and Dean Phillips (D-Minn.).

"As the U.S. increases sanctions against malignant actors, these entities find new methods of evading such measures on a global scale," stated Senator Risch. "This bill intends to build upon the success of the State Department's existing Rewards for Justice Program by extending it to cover reliable information on evasion of U.S. and UN sanctions."

Senator Whitehouse expressed that the bipartisan bill will spur the dissemination of information critical to the capture of dangerous Russian oligarchs. He emphasized, "Offering rewards to informants can significantly boost our national security."

Representative Wilson, who authored the text of the bill, stated that it aims to encourage those possessing credible information on sanctions evasion to come forward. "This bill was inspired by Bassam Barabandi, a former Syrian diplomat who defected and supplied critical information on the Assad regime's illicit activities and human rights abuses," Wilson explained.

The proposed legislation seeks to modify the State Department Basic Authorities Act of 1956. It plans to extend the Rewards for Justice program to empower the Department of State to offer rewards for information regarding the identities or locations of individuals or entities violating U.S. or UN sanctions.

Currently, the Rewards for Justice program does not include provisions for rewards to those providing information about sanctions violators. The proposed law would expand the program's reach and encourage informants to disclose actionable information regarding evasion, enhancing sanctions enforcement.

The full text of the legislation is accessible here.


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