Membership Opportunities to the United States-India CEO Forum


The US Department of Commerce (ITA)  announces an additional opportunity to apply for appointment to the U.S. Section of the U.S.-India CEO Forum previously recruited via the notices published in the Federal Register February 18, 2022 and March 23, 2022.

Effective from this notice, the U.S. Section membership cap has increased from 20 to approximately 25 members. The U.S. Section currently has 18 members; thus, the Department is soliciting applications for up to approximately seven vacancies.

DATES: ITA will accept nominations for membership on the Forum for terms that will begin upon appointment and will expire on December 31, 2024. Applications are due on September 12, 2023.

The U.S.-India Forum is a collaborative body aiming to enhance bilateral commercial ties. Eligible individuals must represent companies with strong U.S. connections and interests in India, and fulfill specific criteria emphasizing commitment to the Indian market, inclusive growth, labor standards, supply chain resilience, and environmental sustainability.

Special attention is given to sectors like healthcare and critical/emerging technologies. The notice, emphasizes diversity in membership, outlines the non-compensatory nature of the role, and supersedes previous notices. Members will serve until December 31, 2024, and applications must include detailed information on U.S. ownership or control

Request for Membership Applications:

United States Section Membership Opportunities to the United States-India CEO Forum



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