NIST Vulnerable to Foreign Threats


The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is potentially vulnerable to threats from foreign and domestic actors.

A report from the Government Accountability Office (GAO) details the loopholes that a foreign or domestic adversaries may use to steal U.S. information.

"NIST requires foreign associates to disclose information—such as their employment, affiliations, and sources of funding. This information can help reveal a security concern if, for example, an associate has been employed or supported by a U.S. adversary," says the report.

However, NIST requires fewer disclosures from domestic collaborators, like any involvement in a foreign talent recruitment program.

NIST has been stymied in creating stronger protections against threats "because White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) has not released the needed guidance," says the report.

"Without these guidelines, NIST can’t develop its own policy, as required by law," the report notes.


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