President's Export Council Restarts

Proposal to reinstate the PEC’s defunct Subcommittee on Export Administration


Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo said she is eager to see “actionable strategies” at the first meeting under the Biden Administration of the President’s Export Council yesterday.

It also was the first time in seven years that the PEC has met. Ms. Raimondo called that a “shame” given the importance of trade to the US economy.  

The PEC is more important than ever “if you believe as I do that trade is essential, although it has to take into account labor and environment,” Ms. Raimondo said.

The council got right to work yesterday, approving a set of recommendations to the President on innovation and technology and trade facilitation.

Ms. Raimondo expressed her support for the recommendations, in particular a proposal to reinstate the PEC’s defunct Subcommittee on Export Administration (PECSEA).

The PECSEA advises and reports to the Secretary of Commerce on matters pertinent to the Export Administration Act, the Export Administration Regulations, and related statutes and regulations.  The PECSEA is no longer active. The Charter expired on October 28, 2019.

Ms. Raimondo urged council members to consider the impact of non-tariff barriers in looking at how to boost US exports, especially barriers erected by China.

She announced release of Commerce’s 2023 National Export Strategy (see related report in this issue).

Ms. Raimondo also announced her plans to lead a trade mission to the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework countries early next year

The President’s Export Council serves as the principal national advisory committee on international trade. The Council advises the President of government policies and programs that affect U.S. trade performance; promotes export expansion; and provides a forum for discussing and resolving trade-related problems among the business, industrial, agricultural, labor, and government sectors.

[PEC Membership]


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