Roadmap for WTO Reform


The General Council Chair of the World Trade Organization (WTO), Ambassador Athaliah Lesiba Molokomme of Botswana, recently suggested that members hope to create a roadmap to reform work, aiming for the 13th ministerial meeting in Abu Dhabi in February 2024. However, clarity will only be achieved if the WTO's negotiating function, dispute settlement system, and institutional issues are all addressed concurrently.

Many of the WTO's industrialized member countries, such as the United States and the European Union, are pushing for quick and significant reforms. However, critics have pointed out that these countries need to demonstrate the same commitment when it comes to dispute settlement system reform.

The General Council Chair noted that currently there are imbalances in the progress of the WTO reforms, highlighting the risk of powerful members cherry-picking the reforms. A comprehensive effort from all members is necessary to avoid this potential issue.

Ambassador Molokomme stressed the need for the General Council to perform its oversight and decision-making role effectively and highlighted the importance of making the meetings more meaningful to ensure that the WTO remains relevant.

She also discussed the upcoming Trade Negotiations Committee and informal Heads of Delegations meeting scheduled for July 20, expressing hope that this meeting will allow for proper stocktaking and identification of issues to be discussed at the Senior Officials Meeting.

On the topic of stakeholder engagement, the General Council Chair reminded members that the Secretariat is moving forward with engaging advice from Business and Civil Society Advisory Groups.

Director-General Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala concluded the meeting by emphasizing the importance of cooperation with other international organizations, although this approach has received mixed views. She also acknowledged the various constraints that the organization faces, including budget and staffing issues, but reassured members of the Secretariat's commitment to assisting them in achieving collective goals

The facilitators for the stakeout sessions provided assessments of the discussions held in the breakout sessions. Here are the key takeaways from each session:

Session I:

  • Members agreed on the need to improve engagement with external stakeholders, ensuring regional balance, and preserving the member-driven nature of the WTO.
  • The role of international intergovernmental organizations (IGOs) was appreciated in bringing together trade policy expertise and relevant knowledge to help develop coherent approaches.
  • The need to address trade concerns in a solutions-oriented manner was highlighted.
  • Various other aspects were discussed, including the importance of transparency, the need for prioritization of issues, and a need for a proactive interaction between Members and the Secretariat on reform.

Session II:

  • Members emphasized the importance of engaging capital-based officials in the lead up to Ministerial Conferences.
  • The importance of a clear agenda for Ministerial Conferences and prioritization of issues was underscored.
  • Improvements in communication with all members were suggested, including ensuring transparency and inclusivity, especially in small group meetings.
  • The use of digital tools for meetings and documentation was also suggested.
  • Decision-making in the General Council in between Ministerial Conferences was discussed, emphasizing the bottom-up approach.
  • Concerning the Trade Negotiations Committee (TNC), effective engagement with the Director-General and Membership on negotiations and other important matters were noted.

Way Forward:

  • A roadmap to guide Members' work until MC13 was proposed.
  • It was suggested to appoint facilitators to assist with the emerging issues and reforms.
  • The idea of holding retreats, dedicated sessions, working groups or joint sessions on identified themes was shared.
  • A plan for the Senior Officials Meeting in October was discussed as a crucial step before MC13.
  • Further consultations with all interested Members before the July General Council were proposed, with the intention of finalizing the roadmap at the July General Council meeting.

The facilitators emphasized the need to start implementing the roadmap early in the fall and the possibility of appointing facilitators for specific topics was mentioned.




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