State Sanctions UAE Shippers for Iran Trade


In response to continued development of Tehran's nuclear capabilities, Secretary of State Anthony Blinken announced additional measures against Iranian petrochemical transport and trade.

"Over the past month, Iran has announced steps to further expand its nuclear program in ways that have no credible peaceful purpose," said Mr. Blinken.  

"Iran’s actions to increase its enrichment capacity are all the more concerning in light of Iran’s continued failure to cooperate with the IAEA and statements by Iranian officials suggesting potential changes to Iran’s nuclear doctrine.

"In response to these continued nuclear escalations, the United States is today taking action against entities and vessels involved in the Iranian petroleum and petrochemical trade.  The Department of State is imposing sanctions on three entities involved in the transport of Iranian petroleum and petrochemical products and identifying 11 vessels associated with these entities as blocked property.

"We remain committed to never letting Iran obtain a nuclear weapon, and we are prepared to use all elements of national power to ensure that outcome."

The Department of State’s actions are being taken pursuant to Executive Order 13846 “Reimposing Certain Sanctions With Respect to Iran.”  For more information, please see the Department’s fact sheet.

To see the full text of E.O. 13846, click here


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