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Brooklyn Dual-Use Scheme Guilty Pleas

Brighton Beach, Brooklyn
Two men pleaded guilty July 9 to conspiracy to commit export control violations for their roles in a global procurement scheme on behalf of sanctioned Russian companies, including Russian military companies.   Some of the electronic components shipped by the defendants were later found in seized Russian weapons platforms and signals intelligence equipment in Ukraine. Salimdzhon Nasriddinov, 53, a Brooklyn resident and dual citizen of Russia and Tajikistan, was arrested on Oct. 31 in Brooklyn.    Nikolay Goltsev, 38, of Montreal and an associate who pleaded guilty  in February were arrested at a hotel in Manhattan on Oct. 31 during a trip to New York to visit Nasriddinov.
America has not produced ship-to-shore cranes since the Reagan Administration.
A proposed 25 percent tariff on Chinese-made port cranes has been met with strong opposition from U.S. port authorities and terminal operators, who warn of unintended negative consequences such as reduced port efficiency, higher consumer prices, and a weakened national economy. The tariffis set to take effect on August 1st, At least 35 STS cranes are currently on order across the country, with an average cost of $15 million each, leading to unanticipated costs to port operators of at least $131.5 million, according to the operators.
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USMCA Automotive Report Released

The USTR's office Monday released the second Report on the Operation of the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) with Respect to Trade in Automotive Goods . The  conclusion of the report is that there is no conclusion.   The automotive industry continues preparing for full implementation of the USMCA rules of origin (ROOs) when special flexibilities afforded under alternative staging regimes begin to expire in 2025. 

EU 14th Sanctions Package Issued

The European Council adopted Monday a 14th package of economic and individual restrictive measures on Russia. The package includes restrictive measures on additional 116 individuals and entities , as well as sectoral measures on Energy, Third-Country Subsidiaries and other Anti-Circumvention measures, Financial Communications Systems and Defense Industrial Base, Political Activities, Port Access for specific vessels, dual-use and commodity trade controls, as well as legal protections for sanctions compliance and intellectual property.

Welcome to Your WTTL

The Washington Tariff and Trade Letter introduces a web-based format for easier review, research and sharing.  Clicking on a story in the newsletter will now bring you to the full text on our new web site. A .pdf version of the newsletter is available below.   For any questions about website access and your subscription, please contact us at – Or call the Editor, Frank Ruffing, at +1.703.283.5220

The latest news

China's Overcapacity Calls for "Creative Approaches": Treasury Official

The United States may need to find “more creative approaches” to addressing China’s overcapacity, since the tradition tariff tool kit may not be enough, Treasury Undersecretary for International Affairs Jay Shambaugh said last week,. Dealing with the economic fallout of Chinese overcapacity “may warrant our taking defensive action to protect our firms and workers – and the traditional toolkit of trade actions may not be sufficient,” he said in remarks to the Council on Foreign Relations.

Emerging Technology Technical Advisory Committee (ETTAC) 30 July

The Emerging Technology Technical Advisory Committee (ETTAC) will meet on July 30, 2024. Open Session: 3:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. The open session will be accessible via teleconference. To join the conference, submit inquiries to Ms. Yvette Springer at .
More trade & tariff news

Congo Mineral Concern

The State Department issued a Statement of Concern Tuesday focused on certain minerals supply chains from Rwanda and eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo. The statement clarifies the specific risks associated with manufacturing products using minerals extracted, transported or exported from eastern DRC, through Rwanda and Uganda, according to State.

GOP Call for Section 301 Action on Canada DST

Every Republican on the House Ways and Means Committee joined together yesterday to demand action from the Administration on Canada’s decision to impose a discriminatory digital services tax on US businesses, In a letter to US Trade Representative Katherine Tai, the Republicans urged the Administration to launch a Section 301 investigation as a response to Canada’s action.

WTO Retreat Yields no Consensus on Consensus

Trade envoys participating in a one-day retreat on Monday expressed mixed views on issues of transparency, inclusion and small green room meetings, while unable to reach any convergence on the core issue of finding innovative approaches to replace the consensus-based decision-making at the World Trade Organization, said people familiar with the developments. During the retreat, trade envoys apparently held frank discussions on a raft of issues based on the questions circulated by the chair of the WTO’s General Council, Ambassador Petter Olberg of Norway.

US Drug Ingredients Supply Chain Study

The Commerce Department’s Bureau of Industry and Security and the Department of Health and Human Services’ Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response announced Tuesday that they are conducting a comprehensive assessment of the US Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient industrial base to gain an understanding of the supply chain network. The resulting information will allow the federal government to more accurately plan and develop funding strategies to help ensure the availability and security of the API supply chain and to raise awareness of current limited domestic manufacturing capabilities, among other potential issues, according to BIS.
On the calendar
The chair of the World Trade Organization’s Doha rules negotiating body has issued a draft text on addressing fisheries subsidies that contribute to overcapacity and overfishing.  The genesis of this latest text appears to be the result of bilateral and small group meetings with the chair and select members said people familiar with the discussions. The seven-page draft text issued on Wednesday is based on a two-tier, hybrid approach of sustainability criteria. It highlights the proposal from the United States on forced labor in fishing activities. Our correspondent notes the chair provided a major carve-out to the two big subsidizers- the European Union and China- to continue their distant water fishing. As deals are being struck, it is expected that China will accept Article B.5, opts out from S&DT in exchange for the United States dropping the forced labour provision, said people familiar with the negotiations.
Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) is releasing the second video in its “OFAC Basics” video series, "My Funds Are Blocked, Now What?" This video provides viewers with guidance on what it means when funds are blocked in connection with OFAC sanctions, as well as recommended steps for what to do if your funds have been blocked. 
The Commerce Department is updating its trade remedy regulations regarding the administration of the antidumping and countervailing duty laws, formalizing the tariff treatment of non-market economies. The proposed rewrite covers 28 sections of the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended. Areas impacted include the collection of cash deposits, the application of antidumping rates in non-market economy proceedings, calculation of an all- others’ rate, selection of examined respondents, and attribution of subsidies received by cross- owned input producers and utility providers to producers of subject merchandise.
Commerce’s Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) published guidance outlining the different actions that BIS takes to inform industry and academia about parties – beyond those identified on public screening lists like the Entity List – that present risks of diversion of items subject to BIS export controls to countries or entities of concern. Thew guidance also contains a new recommended best practice asking that exporters, reexporters, and transferors of Common High Priority List (CHPL) items screen transaction parties using online resources made newly available by the Trade Integrity Project (TIP).
The United States and Mexico are taking new steps to prevent China and other countries from working their way into Mexico’s supply chains to avoid paying Section 232 tariffs on steel and aluminum by implementing a new rules of origin. Under the new rules for steel, imports from Mexico will be subject to the 25 percent Section 232 tariff unless it has been melted and poured in either Mexico, Canada or the United States. A similar “smelt and cast” requirement is being put in place for aluminum from Mexico. Specifically, the imports must not have been smelt or cast in China, Russia, Belarus or Iran if they are to be exempt from the 10 percent Section 232 tariff.
The Uyghur Region

DHS Releases Update on UFLPA Enforcement

The Department of Homeland Security, Chair of the Forced Labor Enforcement Task Force (FLETF) released a summary of enforcement efforts since enactment of the Uyghur Forced Labor Protection Act. Highlighted in the fact sheet are the impacts the FLETF has made on Solar, PVC and Cotton supply chains, as well as a summary of the recent designation of New High Priority Sectors for Enforcement

Aluminum, PVC and Seafood new UFLPA Priorities

The Forced Labor Enforcement Task Force (FLETF), released an updated Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act (UFLPA) Strategy to Prevent the Importation of Goods Mined, Produced, or Manufactured with Forced Labor in the People’s Republic of China (PRC). Notably in this year’s strategy, the FLETF has identified new high priority sectors for enforcement – aluminum, polyvinyl chloride (PVC), and seafood – for the first time since 2022.

China Select Committee to continue, Speaker says

Speaker of the House Mike Johnson announced his intention to renew the House Select Committee on the CCP for the 119th Congress, according to a Committee announcement.   The 119th Congress will convene in January 2025.

Information Systems Technical Advisory Committee 24 July

The Information Systems Technical Advisory Committee (ISTAC) will meet on July 24, 2024, 9:00 a.m., Eastern Daylight Time. To join the conference, submit inquiries to Ms. Yvette Springer at .