Call to Suspend Kenya Trade Talks


A group of House Democrats is calling on the Administration to suspend trade talks with Kenya until Kenyan President William Ruto commits to vetoing any legislation that further criminalizes the LGBTQI+ community.

Congressional Equality Caucus Chair Rep. Mark Pocan (D-Wisc) led the letter to US Trade Representative Katherine Tai to temporarily pause the US-Kenya Strategic Trade and Investment Partnership negotiations until it is clear that the Kenyan government will support LGBTQI+ rights.

“The United States must use every tool in its disposal to ensure the human rights of LGBTQI+ people are protected,” the 21 lawmakers wrote. “Against the backdrop of consideration of the so-called Family Protection Bill in Kenya, we urge you to pause the STIP negotiations and only resume them if President Ruto commits to vetoing any legislation that further criminalizes the LGBTQI+ community, including the hateful bill now being considered.”

Situation Deteriorating
The members said they are concerned about the deteriorating human rights situation for

LGBTQI+ people in Kenya, and the possibility that the Kenya government may adopt a pending bill that would further criminalize people who are LGBTQI+ and people who promote LGBTQI+ rights. The bill also would impose the death penalty in certain situations.

“The United States must make clear to both Kenya and other countries considering similar legislation that we will not stand idly by as they move to criminalize or further criminalize people for being LGBTQI+,” the Democrats wrote. “If countries wish to strengthen their economic and trade ties to the United States, they must ensure they will protect the human rights of their residents – not further criminalize them for who they are.”


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