CBP: Electronic Issuance of Demands on Surety Pilot Program


Customs and Border Protection (CBP) will conduct a National Customs Automation Program test regarding the electronic issuance of demands on surety for certain kinds of claims, the “Electronic Issuance of Demands on Surety” (EIDS) test. Test participation is limited to sureties that receive the “Notice of Penalty or Liquidated Damages Incurred and Demand for Payment” (CBP Form 5955A) for claims for liquidated damages or penalties.

CBP has begun development of an electronic liquidated damages and penalty process, and this notice announces the first test of a feature of the new process. The electronic liquidated damages and penalty process is intended to enhance, but not necessarily replace, the current paper process.

The EIDS test is voluntary, and sureties who wish to participate must comply with all the conditions set forth in the announcement.

Current Penalty/Liquidated Damages Claim Issuance Procedures

Consistent with 19 CFR 162.31(a), CBP must provide written notice of any fine or penalty incurred to each party that the facts of record indicate has an interest in the claim. Pursuant to 19 CFR 172.1(a), when there is a failure to meet the conditions of any bond posted with CBP or when a violation occurs which results in assessment of a penalty that is secured by a CBP bond, CBP must notify the principal, in writing, of any liability for that penalty or liquidated damages incurred and make a demand for payment.

CBP also must notify the surety on the bond of any such liability, in writing, concurrent with notice to the principal. Claims for liquidated damages and penalties, including penalties secured by bonds, are issued by the Fines, Penalties and Forfeitures (FPF) Office in the port having jurisdiction over the claim on the CBP Form 5955A.

If the principal on the bond fails to file a petition for relief, or fails to comply in the time prescribed with a decision to mitigate a penalty or to cancel a claim for liquidated damages issued with respect to a petition for relief, the FPF Office having jurisdiction over the claim will mail a demand for payment to the surety. The surety will have 60 days from the date of the demand to file a petition for relief. See 19 CFR 172.4.

The National Customs Automation Program (NCAP)

The thrust of customs modernization is focused on informed trade compliance and the development of the Automated Commercial Environment (ACE), an automated and electronic system for commercial trade processing, intended to streamline business processes, facilitate growth in trade, ensure cargo security, and foster participation in global commerce, while facilitating compliance with U.S. laws and regulations and reducing costs for U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and all of its communities of interest.

 [FR announcement]


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