China-US commerce and trade working group


Senior commerce officials from China and the United States met for the Economic Working Group’s third meeting it was established in September and its first in Beijing, while a Treasury delegation led by Undersecretary Jay Shambaugh, met with Chinese Vice Premier He Lifeng and conveyed a message that Secretary Janet Yellen hoped to visit China at an “appropriate time,”according to a Treasury readout.

They also discussed the issues of economic and trade concern to both sides with frank and in-depth communications, said the statement.

During his meeting with Marisa Lago, US under-secretary of commerce for international trade via a video call, Wang Shouwen, China international trade representative and vice-minister of commerce, stressed that China-US economic and trade cooperation is a stabilizing force in the bilateral relations.

The talks sent a “positive signal,” the Global Times, a newspaper of China’s ruling Communist Party, said in an article published late Tuesday.    Wang said China is willing to work with the US to "earnestly implement" the important consensus reached at the San Francisco meeting between the two heads of state, leverage the role of the China-US commerce and trade working group, expand cooperation, manage differences and create favorable conditions for cooperation between the business communities of the two countries.

Wang also expressed concerns over US regulatory constraints on semiconductors and cloud services targeted at China. He also highlighted the need for equitable treatment of Chinese firms within the US and raised issues about the restrictive measures imposed on China's photovoltaic products.


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