Gallagher Calls out Emirati AI for China Ties


House Select Committee on China Chairman Mike Gallagher (R-Wisc) is once again airing his concerns about a company with ties to the Chinese military – this time Emirati artificial intelligence firm Group 42 Holdings.

G42 has an extensive business relationship with Chinese military companies, state-owned entities and intelligence services, according to Rep. Gallagher, who is calling on the Administration to investigate whether the company and its subsidiaries should be subject to US export controls.

Specifically, the Commerce Department should consider including G42 and its subsidiaries on the Bureau of Industry and Security’s Entity List, Rep. Gallagher wrote in a letter to Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo.


The Select Committee conducted its own investigation, which found that G42’s CEO Peng Xiaooperates and is affiliated with an expansive network of UAE and PRC-based companies that develop dual-use technologies and materially support PRC military-civil fusion and human rights abuses.

The panel's investigation into G42 also found that:

  • G42 maintains relationships with blacklisted entities including Huawei and Beijing Genomics Institute (BGI).
  • Multiple US companies that develop and sell export-controlled technology and products maintain extensive commercial relationships with G42 and its subsidiaries, to include Microsoft, Dell and OpenAI, which leaves these companies susceptible to CCP directed IP theft.
  • G42-linked companies and executives are affiliated with a PRC scientist who stole millions of dollars of American military-funded research from UCLA in order to create a new PRC government laboratory in Beijing. The letter raises concern that he could also steal American technology and research on behalf of G42.


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