India Tech Exports Bill Introduced


Representatives Gregory W. Meeks, Ranking Member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, and Andy Barr, Vice Chair of the House India Caucus, issued the following statement upon introducing the “Technology Exports to India Act” to facilitate the sale of high-performance computers and related equipment to India and strengthen United States-India technology cooperation:   

“As President Biden visits India for the G-20 Summit, we are happy to introduce the ‘Technology Exports to India Act’ to bolster technology cooperation between the United States and India.

"This bill removes restrictions on the sale of U.S. products, such as digital computers and electronic assemblies, to India without a Department of Commerce license, thereby enhancing U.S.-India technology trade, linkages between our technology companies, and supply chain resilience for a critical industry.

"In light of the further strengthening of our strategic partnership with India, this legislative change reduces regulatory barriers to technology cooperation.” 

Under Department of Commerce regulations, the restricted high-performance computers include such commodities as digital computers, electronic assemblies, and related equipment controlledunder Export Control Classification (ECCN) 4A003

Destination countries listed as ‘‘Computer Tier 3’’ eligible countries in section 740.7(d) of title15 of the Code of Federal Regulations, such as India, cannot receive such commodities, software, or technology without a Department of Commerce license, with limited exceptions for deemed exports.

See the full bill text here


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