Monaco to UK, Germany


Deputy Attorney General (AG) Lisa Monaco traveled to London this week to highlight the continued collaboration of the United States and United Kingdom to combat persistent threats to global security, including emerging challenges like the theft and misuse of disruptive technologies, especially artificial intelligence (AI).

In meetings with her national security and law enforcement counterparts across the U.K.’s Cabinet Office, Home Office, MI5, GCHQ, Metropolitan Police Department, and National Crime Agency, the Deputy AG emphasized the need for sustained partnership between the U.S. and U.K. against shared threats from malign state actors, especially nation-states looking to sow chaos and further their autocratic agendas amid global elections this year.

UK Collaboration

Together with Permanent Secretary Matthew Rycroft, the Deputy AG convened the second meeting of their ongoing, strategic dialogue, combining the expertise and capabilities of the Home Office and the Justice Department to identify and address emerging threats. They discussed ways both countries can continue to protect against transnational repression, cybercrime — including ransomware and fraud — and terrorism, especially in the wake of the October 7th attacks. 

The Deputy AG departed London for Munich, where she will participate in the Munich Security Conference and the Munich Cyber Security Conference.


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