National Intel Strategy: No Mention of Commerce Role


Despite its emphasis on control of emerging technologies and climate resilience, the Administration's National Intelligence Strategy makes no mention of the role of the Commerce Department in its formulation or execution.

Director of National Intelligence Avril D. Haines last week released the 2023 National Intelligence Strategy (NIS), which provides strategic direction for the Intelligence Community (IC) over the next four years, calling for redoubled efforts in economic statecraft, industrial actions and climate analysis.

“The NIS is a foundational document for the IC and reflects the input of leaders from each of the 18 intelligence elements, as it directs the operations, investments, and priorities of the collective,” said Ms. Haines.    No Commerce Department elements are included in the definition of “Intelligence Community,” according to the report.

“Leadership in technology and innovation has long underpinned our economic prosperity and military strength, and will be critical to outcompeting our rivals, advancing our interests, and safeguarding democracy. The United States must be able to identify the applications and implications of emerging technologies, understand supply chains, and use economic statecraft tools—in coordination with our allies and partners—to ensure strategic competitors are not able to undermine our competitiveness and national security.

The six goals outlined in the NIS reflect key elements of the current strategic environment:

  • the centrality of strategic competition between the United States and the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and the Russian Federation;
  • the growing importance of emerging technologies, supply chains, and economic statecraft to national security;
  • the increasing influence of sub-national and non-state actors; and
  • the challenges stemming from the convergence of shared global challenges, such as climate change and health security.

Link to 2023 National Intelligence Strategy (NIS)

According to the DNI, the Intelligence Community is Comprised of the Following 18 Elements:


  1. The Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI)
  2. The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)


  1. The Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA)
  2. The National Security Agency (NSA)
  3. The National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA)
  4. The National Reconnaissance Office (NRO)
  5. S. Air Force Intelligence
  6. S. Navy Intelligence
  7. S. Army Intelligence
  8. S. Marine Corps Intelligence
  9. S. Space Force Intelligence


  1. The Department of Energy’s Office of Intelligence and Counterintelligence
  2. The Department of Homeland Security’s Office of Intelligence and Analysis and
  3. The intelligence and counterintelligence elements of the U.S. Coast Guard
  4. The Department of Justice’s Federal Bureau of Investigation and
  5. The Drug Enforcement Administration’s Office of National Security Intelligence
  6. The Department of State’s Bureau of Intelligence and Research
  7. The Department of the Treasury’s Office of Intelligence and Analysis


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