Ukraine 232 Tariff Suspension Extended


Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo announced the United States will extend by one year the temporary suspension of tariffs on Ukrainian steel under Section 232 of the Trade Expansion Act of 1962, as amended. 

Over the last year, the United States has provided a much-needed market for the steel that Ukraine is able to export. In doing so, Americans are directly supporting the people of Ukraine, many of whom rely on Ukraine’s steel industry for their economic well-being,” said Secretary Raimondo. 

On May 27, 2022, President Biden signed a Presidential Proclamation that suspended for one year the Section 232 steel duties for Ukraine. The The waiver was extended for an additional year through a Presidential Proclamation announced today

Much of Ukraine's steel production is either destroyed, idled, or under Russian control.  

United States Imports from Ukraine of Iron and steel were US$433.19 Million during 2022, according to the United Nations COMTRADE database on international trade,   In contract 2021 steel imports from Ukraine to US exceeded $1 Billion, principally Pig Iron and Other Primary Forms.

S&P Global notes the impact of the war is clearly seen in Ukraine's exports to its main Black Sea market, Turkey. Ukrainian semi products exports fell to 164,000 mt in January-November, down from 1.417 million mt a year earlier. At the same time, pig iron exports dwindled to 148,000 mt from 439,000 mt.


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