Chinese Sanction Ex-Rep. Gallagher


China's Foreign Ministry on Tuesday announced countermeasures against former U.S. lawmaker Mike Gallagher.   He will be banned from entry into China, and all types of property and assets of his in China will be frozen starting on May 21.

These sanctions are more symbolic in nature as Gallagher is unlikely to have assets in China, so the move mainly is a political statement. This also closes off a path, making it impossible for Gallagher to engage in any business related to China in the future, limiting his opportunities, Lü Xiang, a research fellow at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, told the Chinese Communist Party organ Global Times.

Organizations and individuals within the territory of China are prohibited from engaging in relevant transactions, cooperation and other activities with Gallagher. If the sanctions are strictly enforced, those who transact with him, including individuals and institutions, could be affected.

Last week Gallagher announced his joining TitletownTech, a venture capital firm started by the Green Bay Packers and Microsoft, as a senior strategic adviser following his early resignation from Congress.


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